Irritable Bowel/Chronic Constipation

Irritable Bowel/Chronic Constipation

Chiropractor Southlake TX Irritable BowelChronic Constipation Metroplex Wellness

How is our digestive system innervated? When we look at the innervation of the intestinal tract, we can see that nerves from T5-T9 join together to form the Greater Splanchnic Nerve, while nerves from T-10 and T11 form Lesser Splanchnic Nerve, with the Lumbar Splanchnic Nerve comes from T12 to L2. These nerves join together at ganglions (relay stations) where they combine their input. These ganglia include the Celiac, Superior Mesenteric, and Inferior Mesenteric. From those relay stations, nerves connect to the digestive system.

Can nerves impact issues such as Irritable Bowel or Chronic Constipation

These articles are good reads:

Results: The bowel habit questionnaire yielded some interesting results (see Table 1). On the first day of the adjustive (HVLA T) treatment, the patient reported having between three and five bowel movements per week. By the second week, she was having more than five. The third and fourth weeks showed a decline to three to five again. By the end of the fifth week and consistently thereafter, the patient was having 5 or more bowel movements per week. The consistency of the feces changed, becoming progressively softer and more "normal" and after the tenth treatment the consistency stabilized, being hard and soft single pieces. Straining was a consistent problem reported by the patient in history, and by the end of the course of treatments the patient reported only occasionally having to strain. The results appear to support a decline in constipation according to the requisite criteria.

b. Case Reports
i. Davis J, Alcantara J. Resolution of chronic constipation in a 7-year-old male undergoing subluxation-based chiropractic care: A case report. J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr. 2011; Fall(4):0nline access only p 98-105.24 This case report examined the effects of chiropractic care on a 7-year old male with headaches, neck pain, and long-standing constipation. Chiropractic care was provided twice a week for 6 weeks, utilizing the Gonstead technique to the subluxations at Cl, T2, and L5 was performed. Bowel relief was immediate after the first treatment. After 10 treatments, the subject had almost daily natural bowel movements. The authors concluded that this case report provides supporting evidence that children with constipation may benefit from spinal adjustments to sites of vertebral subluxations.

ii. Harley M. Resolution of chronic constipation and neck pain following chiropractic care in a 6-year old female. J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health-Chiropr. 2010(2):51-55.25 This case report study examined the effects of chiropractic treatment on a 6-year old child with constipation, vertebral subluxations, and neck pain. The author concluded that chiropractic care was successful in increasing the frequency of bowel movement and decreasing gastrointestinal and cervical pain in this 6-year-old patient.

iii. Quist DM, Duray SM. Resolution of symptoms of chronic constipation in an 8-year-old male after chiropractic treatment. J Manip Physiol Thera. 2007;30(1):65-8.26 Study involved an 8-year-old boy who underwent chiropractic treatment for his constipation. After the first chiropractic treatment the patient had almost daily, less painful bowel excretions. A follow-up phone call 13 years after completion of care found the patient still having normal bowel function. This case report yielded an immediate improvement of symptoms of chronic constipation with complete and permanent disappearance of symptoms after 1 month of treatments.

8:00am - 5:00pm

8:00am - 5:00pm

8:00am - 5:00pm

8:00am - 5:00pm

8:00am - 5:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm

Metroplex Wellness
950 East State Highway 114 #160-108
Southlake, TX 76092
(214) 205-2661